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Introduction to Transactional Analysis (T.A.)
Introduction to Transactional Analysis (7:03)
Origins of T.A. (3:06)
Understanding How We Operate - 'Ego States' and 'Transactions'
The Structure of Personality - Parent Adult Child (5:35)
Ego State Reaction Quiz (3:21)
Transactions (5:46)
More about Ego States (11:31)
Recap (5:31)
Spotting Ego States (4:25)
Ego State Questionnaire (2:23)
Complimentary and Crossed Transactions Revisited (13:02)
Quiz - Ego States and Transactions
What are 'Strokes' (5:25)
Restrictive Rules for Stroking (13:42)
What you give is what you get! (10:36)
Quiz - Strokes
Introducing 'Drivers' (9:02)
Identifying your Drivers (0:51)
Drivers and their Impact (10:05)
Quiz - Drivers
The Drama Triangle
The Drama Triangle (7:23)
The 'I'm OK, You're OK' approach to transforming the Drama Triangle (6:18)
An Antidote to the Drama Triangle (6:30)
Quiz - Drama Triangle
References and Resources
Master Handout set
Reading List
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Drivers and their Impact
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