Introducing 20-80 Tasters
'20 - 80 Tasters'
Welcome to '20 - 80 Tasters', a free programme offering a sample of useful insights and practical techniques for the world of work, drawn from our online courses.
- Making Sense of the World of Work with the Organisational Iceberg introduces the notion that success at work involves clarity about the task, and also attention to the 'human process', the people side of work, that turns the task into a reality.
- How to have more 'Good days', fewer 'Bad days' with the Mercedes Model (from 'Managing Yourself'), offers a simple framework for understanding and changing our 'state'
- Influencing people who are hard to influence, Internal - External referencing (from 'Working with Others'), gives an insight into why some people pay attention to others opinions, and others don't, and ways of working with those who don't.
- Getting problems in perspective (from 'Increasing Effectiveness'), shares a simple conversational way of turning mountains back into molehills. And Blame Frame or Outcome Frame offers a chance to experience the impact of the sorts of questions we ask around a 'problem' or issue.
- Managing people to work at their best. Core and Choice at Work (from 'Managing People'), describes the science and art of good management, and how to make sure people know what to do, (and what not do), and to manage in a way they want to do it, and maybe more.
- Change vs Transitions (from 'Working through Change'), helps us to understanding the difference between the two, and how to work with transitions, so that we can accelerate the process of adaptating to change.